Feel free to browse the following curated printed items. Please contact the studio directly for more specific information and pricing regarding our unique collection of keepsake photographic items. We offer an assortment of fine photographic prints, proof boxes, custom USB thumb drives, press printed items, wall art, fine art canvases, photographic books and fine art photographic albums to name a few.

Photo registries are much like other registries. We can create a resource single web page for couples for any monetary amount and or for any product offered in our studio to provide another gift option for your guests.
Gift certificates may be purchased for any monetary amount and for any product offered in our studio. Just ask! We’d be happy to create our custom printed gift certificate and gift bag, for delivery to your recipient.
Hilary of Hilary B. Photography is a passionate Fine Art Film Photographer with an obsession for natural light and analog film, destinations and momentous occasions. Specializing in Wedding, Anniversary, Engagement, Proposal, Family and Portrait Photography. Also offering Lifestyle and Branding session Photography. Hilary is an award winning featured photographer and hosts a boutique Photo Studio based in Newport, RI, and serving greater Boston, MA, Cape and Islands, MA, Mystic, CT, Stonington, CT, Waterford, CT, Greater Providence, RI, Washington County, RI, South County, RI, Block Island, RI and Newport County, Rhode Island. Available for Travel in all of New England and Destinations Worldwide.